A reflection

Created by lisaj_lee 10 years ago
Not so much a story but a reflection on such a sweet boy. Ryan was such a happy and content baby. He was very loving and throughout his life made lots of friends wherever he went with his natural charisma and kind, fun-loving ways. He loved animals and I have a lovely memory of him as a toddler walking around a petting zoo with all the animals following him around while he fed them. We had to draw the line though when he was trying to take a goat out of its pen to come home with us! We had lots of lovely trips and days out, going to places like Beale Park, London Zoo, Birdworld, Whipsnade, Roald Dahl Museum, Days out to London, Disneyland. Lots of fun times and lots of memories!! Ryan was enthusiastic about things that piqued his interest and we had fun doing school projects about volcanoes and the Egyptians (where we went to see some real mummies!). Ofcourse, he was most interested in his X-Box and playing CoD, Skyrim, Minecraft to name a few. He was great at football and had skills that seemed to come so easily to him. As Ryan got older, he had a maturity that belied his young years. He was excellent and easy company and I so miss our chats and his sense of humour. He was a homebody who loved the safety and sanctity of being with his family who loved him dearly. I am heartbroken and sorry that so many people will never have the chance to meet you but those of us that did will keep you in our hearts forever xx